MAHR Digimar 24" Digital Height Gage 814 SR 4426101
RESET (set display to zero), mm/inch, ABS (switch between relative and absolute measurement), Lock/Unlock, PRESET (for entering a numerical value), DATA (data transmission via connection cable), AUTO ON/OFF. Scribing and marking of work pieces.
Measuring heights and distances
Measuring range: 0 - 600mm / 0 - 24 inches
Resolution: 0.01 Custom.U1655
Resolution: 0.0005 Custom.U912
Error limit inches: .0020"
Error limit: 50 µm
Operation time: Max 4000 h
Operating temperature: Min 10 °C
Operating temperature: Max 40 °C
Product weight: 8 kg
Data interface: Opto RS-232C, Digimatic, USB, wireless
Standard: Factory standard