Chatillon DFE III Series Digital Force Gauge
The DFE3 Series offers the best price performance of any digital force gauge available today. This compact, easy-to-use force gauge is designed for basic and complex applications. Ideal for handheld or test stand applications.
Measurement accuracy is better than 0.2% full scale in integral load cell models. A large, easy-to-read, high resolution, full color LCD display supports a variety of standard gauge functions including normal and peak readings, high/low limits, setpoints, pass/fail results, statistical results, load averaging, loadcell actuation and direction. Loads are displayed in ozf, gf, lbf, kgf and N units. The display can be inverted and displayed results may be “hidden” from the operator. The DFE3 also offers password protection for gauge set ups.
Specifications Accuracy: +0.2% of Full Scale
Maximum Overload:150% of Rated Capacity
Resolution: Up to 50,000 resolution points (according the Unit & Capacity)
Peak Capture Rate: 10 KHz
Data Sampling: 30 KHz
Display Update Rate: 10 Hz
Data Save: Up to 100 Results
Power: Battery (Nickel Metal Hydride) or direct AC 120/230Vac
Battery Life: With dimming ON: 40 Hours; With dimming OFF: 30 Hours
Operating Temperature: 40 to 110°F (5 to 45°C)
Instrument Weight: 2 lbs (Est)